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Martine Van de Walle
Martine Van de Walle - Painter

Martine Van de Walle is a Belgian artist. From childhood on, her artistry shows immediately. While studying European Law her textbooks become decorated artwork. Due to her interest in nature, Martine Van de Walle became an environment lawyer. Her passion for art never fade away and thanks to the encouragement of her husband, she became a full-time painter.


Martine Van de Walle learned very thoroughly the various skills of painting and drawing. Many exceptional painters crossed her path and influenced her in different ways. She always showed particular interest into the composition, light and shadow, depth, mixing of pigments and colours and the use of mediums. 


She exactly knows how to extract the essence of beauty  through simplicity to the canvas. Mrs. Van de Walle continues in a modern way the mastery of the old Masters, this through extremely complex techniques that only very few master on this level.

Selected from over 600 artists, she received the prestigious 'Prix d'Honneur du Salon'. The world famous Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts of France dedicated an exhibition to her "Regard sur Martine Van de Walle" at the most faumous venue of France, the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. 

Martine Van de Walle - Paintings


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Martine Van de Walle - Paintings


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Martine Van de Walle - Paintings


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